Co-Operative – Bottom up Model. How Society Can Work in Abundance.

Fostering Community Spirit - Anywhere! - A Little Campy

by Jamil Jacek, Haidari

This is a rough and generalized idea.

                 Co-operative and Bottom Up Economic and Social Model


          What if we the people could solve all our societal, economical issues in our communities, cities, and states.  What if we were empowered in our communities too: fund, employ and shape our community. What if all it took was a recognition of a problem, the formation of a practical solution and an internet connection for instant communication with community.  

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Review – The Four Seasons Recomposed by Max Richter

Image result for 4 seasons

Review by Jamil Jacek, on November 6th, 2019.

One would never imagine taking something as brilliant as The Four Seasons and altering it in anyway.

What Max Richter has done in his version is take what he felt are the best parts of the original piece and kept it in tact; while adding a new dimensional layer to this piece.  It is quite remarkable.

I would definitely not compare the two pieces as they are quite different.    Max Richters version is softer around the edges allowing him to take you into a deeper and more immersive experience  then the original.

The transitional pieces from one season to the other has Max Richter all over it.  Thus, if you enjoy his style of melancholy melody you will be enchanted by this.

I found myself being profoundly moved throughout the piece and when it was over wanting to listen to it again right away.

This is version is a Gem, and I prefer it to the original.

Jamil Jacek,


below I have attached a link to a low quality version on Youtube:

Energy Forecast – Jamil

Image result for dark cloud

The energies of September so far, especially the past week, all I can say is “HEAVY”.
The past 5-7 days I could feel a deep heaviness around me and within me.
This same heaviness is observed by me in: nature, society and especially politics.
I can sense everyone is dealing with this really dark, dense, energy that are coming up for release.
Personally I am feeling it as itchy eyes, mild sinuses, bloated stomach, lethargy, fogginess in the head.  Deeper I feel numbness and thought patterns that are rooted in fear, with the flavor of anger, anxiety and agitation.
I have been guided to take this time to  focus more introspective work such as: meditation, journaling (blogging, lol) and other modalities.
Also I have done my best to be kind and lenient to myself with regards to my personal work load.
With regards to body work, I am focusing more on self massages and gentle stretching over going to the gym.
Notice the past week, how have you been feeling?  What would you describe the theme of the past week?  What are the things going on in and around you.
Love to get your feedback.

Documentary: Symbols of an Alien Sky


This theory presented by David Talbott, which includes Immanuel Velikovsky research and findings is a real eye opener.

This gives one a clearer understanding of the Wars in the Heavens, and ancient stories of the Gods.   It also gives one a very good understanding why there is so much “Saturn” worshiping and Saturn symbols throughout our present societal structure.

Saturn, Satan. Cronos, Kronos, Saturn Day (saturday), Saturnalia (now christmas), Father of the Gods

This is the 1st Episode of Symbols of an Alien Sky.   At the 29th minute it talks about Saturn.

An Electric Car that does not need to be Re-charged!!!! – Saith Technologies

There are 3 videos of this company/inventor.   I hope they drop there goal for getting a patent and open source it.  It is the only way to keep it this project alive.

Free Energy Breakthrough – Rodin Coil Dynamics

I am not qualified to discuss this matter, except share this link.   This like other discoveries in the free energy movement, is quiet exciting.   The application for this discovery is endless.  It seems like this is Open Source as well.



Unmotivated / Depressed/ Overweight – All Signs of Low Dopamine Levels

I have attached a very informative video that discusses the importance of Dopamine and how a depleted dopamine levels can cause havoc to your life.

Exercise, Diet, and Healthy Habits unlock your body.   The video discusses this in more detail, enjoy.



Kryon – 2018 the “Wisdom Barrier”

This is a great channel from Kryon discussing the near future and the future.   The main theme and subject is describing the new Physics that we need to understand as a People and the “Wisdom Barrier” that we are approaching.  Once that barrier is crossed that is when things will start to change in Quantum.